A couple of years ago I built a 3D option for him, based on the then open source Flux player(X3D).
When MediaMachines turned into Vivaty, the javascript API broke and player was no longer open source, and that was the end of the solution we spent 6 months developing. Ouch! Since then we've been looking for another option based on open source technology.
In the meantime, maybe flash has come of age to do this type of thing?
I've seen Autodesk's attempt, and while I understand their thinking, for me going totally isometric/single angle is just too big a compromise.

As a proof of concept I used a couple of hours making a demo in Away3DLite. Out of laziness and lack of time I've used the Plane primitive for walls, where a custom class is called for to add thickness and get around z-ordering issues.
So here it is, the simplest 3D editor you're likely to see :)

Use the pencil to draw a few boxes and hit the "3D" icon for a rough 3d model. Be warned at the moment the eraser just clears everything, without a prompt.

UPDATE: Save floorplan or 3d drawing as .png, straight to your harddisk.
Flash 10 required, but hey, you wouldn't be here if you didn't have FP10, right? :)