Thursday 16 June 2011

BroomHill tech demo

To celebrate the newly unveiled Away3D website, and to showcase the power of Broomstick and Molehill compared to previous Flash players and Away3D frameworks, I wanted to share this little client demo. (Incubator player required).

UPDATE: Flash 11 Beta is out on labs and the example has been modified to run under the new F11 plugin. Incubator users should update before clicking the image below.

Zooming in (mousewheel) reveals detailed textures mixing bitmap and vector graphics. (Just type in the box to change the text).

Getting even closer you can see the actual structure of the micro-mesh, even the microscopic holes. 

 And my favourite, the "shwoosh", a real-time physics simulation that just shows how different this player/framework combo really is.
Congratulations Away3D team on this awesome new framework and site :)